We will transition our Bible study emphasis to separate men’s and women’s’ studies on Wednesday, July 3rd.
All participants will need to purchase their own books with the ISBN numbers below. I have provided a link to some books, but feel free to look around, you may find it for less somewhere else.
If you have difficulty with online ordering, we can do it for you, but please let us know via email or call the church office.
Also, each study group will have a teaching team. There are 13 weeks allotted for the study, so the women’s study has 1 extra week and the men’s study has 2 extra weeks that can be used for more discussion and questions….or we may combine both groups on the last night for a celebration. We will decide that in real time.
Men’s Study Books:
“Twelve Ordinary Men” – Book ($12.49) – ISBN 978-0-7852-8824-4 – https://www.christianbook.com/twelve-ordinary-men-john-macarthur/9780785288244/pd/88244?en=google&event=SHOP&kw=christian-living-0-20%7C88244&p=1179710&utm_source=google&dv=c&cb_src=google&cb_typ=shopping&cb_cmp=20708376895&cb_adg=155759876838&cb_kyw=&utm_medium=shopping&snav=GMERCH&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8tfvxBjkQyeMXdK1x3IRwk8ibXQ_qXO0B1TIWfKT1SSjF5u9m4hCWoaAkwVEALw_wcB
“Twelve Ordinary Men” – Workbook (11.99) – ISBN 978-0-8499-4407-9 – https://www.christianbook.com/twelve-ordinary-men-workbook/john-macarthur/9780849944079/pd/44077?product_redirect=1&search_term=Twelve%20Ordinary%20men%20work&Ntt=44077&item_code=&ps_exit=PRODUCT|legacy&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP
Women’s Study Books:
“Twelve Extraordinary Women” – Book – ($10.49) – 978-1-4002-8028-5 – https://www.christianbook.com/twelve-extraordinary-women-shaped-bible-wants/john-macarthur/9781400280285/pd/280285?event=ESRCQ
“Twelve Extraordinary Women” – Workbook – (13.99) – 978-1-4185-0557-8 – https://www.christianbook.com/twelve-extraordinary-women-workbook/john-macarthur/9781418505578/pd/505579?event=ESRCQ
Also, if you would prefer an alternative study that combines men and women, we can provide for that, but we need to know immediately so we can plan for it. Our intent was to try to build fellowship between our men and women for the 13-week study.
Remember, we will return to our “Great Truths” study in October, so don’t lose your “Great Truth” books.
A thousand blessings,