Women on Missions
The Women on Mission Ministry brings to light the need for mission work in the community and around the world by promoting the missionary work taking place in the church and through the SBC. Throughout the year the women on this team head up many opportunities for the ladies at Parkway to be an active part in serving the community, state, nation, and world.
Expert Sewers
Our Dorcus Group sewed 478 dresses to send to refugees of Zambia, Tanzania, and Maynamar in India. [...]
Join the WOM in Service
Our Women on Missions group has been very active in serving others. They recently went to a [...]
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Due to all your generosity, the Women on Missions were able to pack 131 shoeboxes at their [...]
Women on Mission Project
The Women on Mission are serving missionaries around the world including the YWAM Missionary in Myanmar by [...]