Morning Celebration Time
Starting Sunday, September 1st, the preschool and children's ministry will start a Morning Celebration time before Sunday School. Join us as we kick off each Sunday with a time to celebrate God and His church!
Starting Sunday, September 1st, the preschool and children's ministry will start a Morning Celebration time before Sunday School. Join us as we kick off each Sunday with a time to celebrate God and His church!
Our Dorcus Group sewed 478 dresses to send to refugees of Zambia, Tanzania, and Maynamar in India. The coordinators for sending out the dresses complimented our ladies as expert sewers. If you are interested in joining the group, contact Kathy Beck.
Kids in preschool-5th grades are invited to join us on Wednesday nights for Awana. Kids will learn Bible verses, connect with other kids, and build their faith. We will kickoff this new program starting September 4th at 6:00 pm. Click this link to learn more
We will transition our Bible study emphasis to separate men’s and women’s’ studies on Wednesday, July 3rd. All participants will need to purchase their own books with the ISBN numbers below. I have provided a link to some books, but feel free to look around, you may find it for less somewhere else. If you have difficulty [...]
Dow Smith and Parkway partnered together to add an addition for growth. We hope that our new space will enable us to honor God and share the gospel for many years.
Starting May 12th you may pick up a baby bottle in either lobby to fill with coins to give to Portico in Murfreesboro. When your bottle if filled bring it back to the church and set it on the table where you picked it up from. Viola Sultan will be collecting them and taking them [...]
Our Women on Missions group has been very active in serving others. They recently went to a gathering of women on mission to fellowship with other ladies around the state who actively serving others. Our ladies have coordinated our Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, our Christmas Backpack Drive, and other activities. If you would like to [...]
We're headed to camp. CentriKid is a high-energy, intentional, gospel-centered overnight camp for 2nd-6th graders. Their mission is to help kids experience the time of their lives and learn more about the message of Jesus Christ. This takes place through track times, rec, worship, Bible study, church group time, and a variety of other fun [...]
Ladies, mark your calendars and invite your friends. We will be hosting a winter retreat in February. Visit to learn more about our guest speaker. More information will be coming soon.
Due to all your generosity, the Women on Missions were able to pack 131 shoeboxes at their packing party. If you are interested in packing a shoebox with your family, there are boxes available at the church. The boxes with your included shipping cost are due back by November 12th.