Join the WOM in Service

Our Women on Missions group has been very active in serving others. They recently went to a gathering of women on mission to fellowship with other ladies around the state who actively serving others. Our ladies have coordinated our Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, our Christmas Backpack Drive, and other activities. If you would like to [...]

April 16th, 2024|General|

Kids’ CentriKid Summer Camp

We're headed to camp. CentriKid is a high-energy, intentional, gospel-centered overnight camp for 2nd-6th graders. Their mission is to help kids experience the time of their lives and learn more about the message of Jesus Christ. This takes place through track times, rec, worship, Bible study, church group time, and a variety of other fun [...]

December 21st, 2023|General|

Women’s Winter Retreat

Ladies, mark your calendars and invite your friends. We will be hosting a winter retreat in February. Visit to learn more about our guest speaker. More information will be coming soon.

December 18th, 2023|General|

Women on Mission Project

The Women on Mission are serving missionaries around the world including the YWAM Missionary in Myanmar by sewing dresses for the missionaries to deliver to the people groups they work with. To date they have sewn 91 dresses, but are looking to do more. If you are interested in joining the Dorcas Sewing Group, contact [...]

June 22nd, 2023|General|
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